

                      Image: LOOKING FOR ALASKA | BOOK REVIEW Miles 'Pudge' Halter is an introvert, obssesd with last words, 'goes to seek a great perhaps' to Alabama and to attend Culver Creek boarding school for junior year. He meets his roommate, Chip 'The Colonel' Martin who is "build like scale model of Adonis". Pudge is introduced to Alaska Young, a girl living in a reckless world, in love with pranks, looking for a way out of labyrinth. "She loved mysterious so that she became one". _ The best thing about the book is the quotes and how the feeling of the characters are described. Although the story becomes predictable at times and there is no 'major' conclusion at the end the story never feels dumb or boring or clichéd. It is full of freshness and John Green brings his uniqness of thoughts and ideas into this one also. The way he gives his main characters a nerdiness about a subject, and t

Palace Of Illusions | Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni | Book Review

                      Photo by:   There was an unexpected freedom in  finding out that one wasn't as important as one had always assumed! - Chitra Banarjee Divakaruni   Palace of Illusions Author: Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni Pages: 360 The book Palace Of Illusions is a retelling of the Indina Epic Mahabharata from the perspective of Draupadi. It, instead of tracing The Pandavas' journey from their childhood, follows the journey of Panchali or Draupadi from her childhood till death. Story The book starts with the birth of Draupadi and Dhristhadymna. Their father, Drupad wanted just one son who can take revenge from Drona. As Draupadi grows-up she finds herself feeling imprisoned in her palace and wants a palace of her own where she can be free. She meets Krishna, whom people call incarnation of God, and he becomes her only male friend. She is intelligent, rebellious, logical and at some places pessimist. She is warned by a sorcer, V

Shiva Trilogy | Amish Tripathi

                             Photo by: Shiva Trilogy Shiva Trilogy by Amish Tripathi is a mythological fiction series based on Indian mythology and folklores. It perfectly blends mythology, philosophy, and facts. It is a retelling of Lord Shiva's story. It follows the story of Shiva, from a tribe leader from Kailash Mountain, to the saviour of most successful civilization of the world, Meluha. In Meluha the destroyer of evil is given the title Mahadev. And the one who sets up the good is called Vishnu. Immortals of Meluha | Book I As this it the first book of the series it has set that world and make you feel like 1900 BCE. Immortals of Meluha, starts with the introduction of Shiva, the tribe leader of Gunas. Nandi, one of the officers of Meluha, has arrived on Mount Kailash with an offer to Gunas to come to Meluha and start living there instead of Kailash. Shiva reaches Meluha and finds that the natives, Suryavanshis are on brink of war with Chand